Во что себя превратил 56-летний транссексуал из Италии

22:20 , 6 января, 2016
56-летний транссексуал Фульвия Пеллегрино из Италии говорит, что с 15-летнего озраста жил во лжи.
Он сделала несколько процедур стоимостью £ 52,000. Он прооперировал губы, щеки, грудь...
Со своей женой в настоящее время они живут как сестеры, но из-за перемен в его внешности пара стала изгоем в своем городе.
Желание изменить пол он скрывал в течение 40 лет , но теперь потратил £ 52,000, пытаясь достичь идеального женского тела.

Фульвия Пеллегрино, 56, из маленького городка Peveragno, претерпела ряд изнурительных процедур для достижения ее нынешнего облика. В том числе провела более 150 операций на губах и скулах, поменяла четыре грудных импланта и две липосакции. Однако результатом своей внешности он не доволен

Fulvia Pellegrino, 56, from Peveragno in Italy has spent the last 16 years transforming her body. While she still has male genitals, she has spent around £52,000 on breast and bottom augmentation, liposuction and lip and cheek fillers

After realising she was transgender as a teen, Fulvia spent 40 years hiding it for fear of what her religious, strict family would say

As Fulvia was: The 56-year-old says that known her true identity since she was 15 years old but was too afraid to come out.Fulvia instead focused on being more traditionally masculine, firing guns and driving 4x4s

Fulvia says that she spent 40 years living a lie and is now on a personal quest for her view of female body perfection.The surgery addict has had some 150 lip and cheek filler procedures

Fulvia, who has sold her restaurant to fund her surgery, has had four breast augmentation

Fulvia embarked upon a series of gruelling operations including a nose jobShes also had a bottom augmentation and plans more surgery

Fulvia still lives with her wife Marisa, left, although the pair say any sexual attraction between them has gone

Pursuit of glamour: Fulvia says she models her look on US transgender porn star Allanah Starr

Scars...but Fulvia isnt done yet, and says she plans more surgery on her body